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Village of Kendall is looking for a full time or part time Public Works Operator.  Deadline to apply is April 4th.

Pay Your Water/Sewer Bill Online!

The Village of Kendall has partnered with Nexbillpay to extend an additional payment option for customers interested in using their check, debit, or credit cards.


Nexbillpay is a trusted third-party automated payment service that allows you to pay online.  

Village Hall
  • Make sure you recycle!

  • There's a recycle cage at ZZip Stop for aluminum cans ONLY!  Those cans help with the fundraising for the park.

December 1st to April 1st

  • there are NO PARKING areas as well (even side of Waffle Street has NO PARKING)

  • Watch the signs and notices, including no parking on the Main Street overnight during alternate side parking.

Alternate Side Parking

Snow Removal

Keep walks shoveled, and all kept out of the street.

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